Friday, June 29, 2012


How wonderful to live in the state of Wisconsin, where our governor says he’ll refuse to enact parts of the Affordable Health Care Act. Because he thinks Mittens will win in November and it’ll all just go away.

Funny how our state Attorney General JB Van Hollen (pictured below)

says um, no you’ll have to follow the law, scooter. Because he’ll get right on it if walker is breaking the law, just as soon as he finishes up investigating voter fraud, and um, some other stuff he’s working on.

How’d that go with the investigators from your office suppressing minority voters monitoring voter fraud in the recall election? Did you find any election fraud? Really? You found out that there have been more people struck by lightning than there have been incidence of voter fraud in Wisconsin?

Cool, bust those clouds!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


So for months the RWNJ’S in Wisconsin (A wholly owned subsidiary of the WIGOP, a Division of Koch Industries) have been screaming about the leaks in the John Doe investigation. They’ve blamed the DA (Democrat DA John Chisholm, whom repugs have always said was as non-partisan as they came, up until the John Doe investigation), or others in the DA’s office, or even the presiding judge.

Low and behold, it’s now come out that all the leaks have been either easily accessible public knowledge, or have been coming from the defendants lawyers.

Like, they’ve been emailing info to Charlie Sykes (biggest right wing radio talker in Wisconsin, now a division of Koch Industries).

Charlie, pictured here,

(I think that’s him, I have no idea what he looks like, nor do I care) has been screaming for months about the leaks.

I wonder why?

Does he want a fair and thorough investigation into the possibility of  campaign violations? Even if it were to lead back to politicians he’s supported?

Not bloody likely.

Could it be that he’s sowing the seeds to discredit whatever may come of the John Doe investigation?

Extremely likely.

Considering that some emails that have come out, sent from defense attorneys to Charlie, with info that perhaps Charlie shouldn’t have been privy too, (and do you think he may have scooters private cell phone number?), it could be very embarrassing for ol’ Chuck.

Repeat the lie, as loudly and as often as you can, and the masses will remember only the lie as reality.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Recount Redux

Rumors are swirling that the WIGOP (pictured below)

may call a special legislative session RIGHT NOW!
Wait, I thought the Dems controlled the Senate? Not so fast, grasshopper.

The Center for Media And Democracy breaks it down this way: Jerry Petrowski, who is a repuglican, won the special election to replace Pam Galloway (who resigned under threat of recall), and Van Wangaard (also repug) has called for a recount because he lost.

Petrowski could be sworn in quickly, and the recount delay leaves Wangaard still in the Senate which leaves the GOP in control until the board of elections certifies that Wangaard did, indeed lose. And the RWNJ media in our state has been screaming ‘VOTER FRAUD’, (or as it’s known to reasonable folks, people of color voting), at the top of their tar and nicotine stained lungs. Lawsuits? Who knows what other delaying tactics they might use?

My question would be, what other douchebaggery could they possibly pull? Time will tell.

Friday, June 15, 2012

It's not over till it's over

Uh Oh, whatever solace Dems got in winning Van Wangaards seat may be short lived. 

 Thanks Van!

And not only that, now the scooter-appointed-gave-money-and-endorsed-Waanguard DA is investigating alleged voting irregularities. 

(This may not be what he looks like. But 100 to 1 he’s a white guy)

No surprise, as the rabid right wingers controlling the airwaves in Wisconsin got their talking points the day after the election, and have been hammering on this constantly.  It would be fascinating to search the email trail from the on air scooter backers to see if this talking point came from Ciara (how is it I can’t make this Hooters outfit look good) Matthews, or the Heritage Foundation or what.